To be updated…
Business Administration
3 Years
Business Administration
3 Years
Business Administration
3 Years
To be updated…
Code |
Course |
ECTS Credits |
First Year |
MNG 101 |
Principles of Management - Bazat e Menaxhimit |
8 |
CS 102 |
Computer Applications - Aplikime Kompjuterike |
6 |
MATH 101 |
Calculus I - Kalkulus I |
6 |
ENG 101 |
Composition I - Shkrim Akademik I |
6 |
Foreign language I - Gjuhe e Huaj I |
4 |
Total |
30 |
ACCT 101 |
Financial Accounting - Kontabilitet Financiar |
8 |
MATH 102 |
Calculus II - Kalkulus II |
6 |
ECON 101 |
Introduction to Microeconomics - Mikroekonomi I |
6 |
ENG 102 |
Composition II - Shkrim Akademik II |
6 |
Foreign language II - Gjuhe e Huaj II |
4 |
Total |
30 |
Second Year |
ECON 205 |
Managerial Economics - Ekonomiks Menaxherial |
6 |
STAT 201 |
Statistics I - Statistikë I |
6 |
ECON 201 |
Introduction to Macroeconomics - Makroekonomi I |
6 |
ACCT 201 |
Managerial Accounting - Kontabilitet Drejtimi |
6 |
MRKT 201 |
Principles of Marketing - Bazat e Marketingut |
6 |
Total |
30 |
Elective - Department or Faculty Level - Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Departamenti / Fakulteti |
6 |
BUSN 201 |
Organizational Behavior - Sjellje Organizative |
8 |
STAT 202 |
Statistics II - Statistikë II |
6 |
BI 201 |
MIS - Sisteme Informacioni të Menaxhimit |
6 |
INT 299 |
Internship - Internship (Praktikë) |
4 |
Total |
30 |
Third Year |
BUSN 302 |
Business Ethics - Etika e Biznesit |
6 |
ECON 302 |
Econometrics - Ekonometri |
6 |
ECON 301 |
Intermediate Microeconomics - Mikroekonomi II |
6 |
ECON 303 |
Intermediate Macroeconomics - Makroekonomi II |
6 |
BUSN 301 |
Small Business Management - Menaxhimi i Biznesit të Vogël |
6 |
Total |
30 |
Elective (University Level) - Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti |
4 |
RMAS 333 |
Research Methods - Metoda Kërkimore në Shkenca të Aplikuara |
6 |
MNG 303 |
Strategic Management - Menaxhim Strategjik |
6 |
ECON 306 |
International Economics - Ekonomiks Ndërkombëtar |
6 |
GP 399 |
Graduation /Senior Project - Teza e Diplomës |
8 |
Total |
30 |
180 |
Code |
Course |
ECON 203 |
Money & Banking - Paraja dhe Banka |
6 |
FIN 203 | Financial Markets and Institutions - Tregjet dhe Institucionet Financiare |
6 |
ECON 204 |
Social and Economic Development - Zhvillimi Social dhe Ekonomik |
6 |
GT 201 |
Game Theory – Teoria e Lojës |
6 |
Code |
Course |
ALB 131 |
Albanian Language I - Gjuhë Shqipe I |
4 |
TUR 131 |
Turkish Language I - Gjuhë Turke I |
4 |
ALB 132 |
Albanian Language II - Gjuhë Shqipe II |
4 |
TUR 132 |
Turkish Language II - Gjuhë Turke II |
4 |
ART 201 |
Photography - Fotografi |
4 |
ART 202 |
Art History - Histori Arti |
4 |
IR 222 |
Islamic World - Bota Islame |
4 |
IR 334 |
EU and Balkan Studies - Studime të Bashkimit Europian dhe Ballkanit |
4 |
BIO 333 |
Human Nutrition - Të ushqyerit e Njeriut |
4 |
BIO 334 |
Biology - Biologji |
4 |
BIO 335 |
Contemporary Health Poblems - Çështje Bashkëkohore Të Shëndetit |
4 |
LAW 321 |
Competition Law - E Drejta e Konkurrencës |
4 |
BI 302 |
Project management in IT - Menaxhim Projektesh në Teknologjinë e Informacionit |
4 |
PSY 310 |
Advanced Developmental Psychology - Psikologji Zhvillimi e Avancuar |
4 |
PSY 401 |
Psychology of Gender - Psikologjia Gjinore |
4 |
Footnote: Elective course at the Faculty or University level include as well courses that are not mentioned in the above table. Students have the right to elect or two elective courses at the university level outside the study program with the approval of the academic advisor.