Faculty of Law and Social Sciences


The Law programme at UNYT provides students an opportunity to take part in an innovative degree that combines both theory and practice of domestic and international law. UNYT has been linked with several prestigious Law Offices in Tirana that enable students to “experience” law and reflect on developments conditioned by globalization and Albania’s inclusion in inter-state structures.







5 Years








5 Years







5 Years




Why Study This Programme?

Studying Law at UNYT shall engage students to build such qualities as are deemed necessary in the modern legal setting in Albania and beyond, that is producing conscious and mindful legal professionals with critical, analytical and synthesizing skills coupled with significant practical, hands-on experience.

Programme Aims:

  • Generating conscious and mindful legal professionals, who understand the ways in which the law operates, fails to operate or miss-operates.
  • “Demystifying” Law and legal processes by encouraging critical reflection to the law and its study.
  • Preparing students for the increasingly changing legal needs that spring from Albania’s integration in N.A.T.O., the E.U. and the attraction of foreign direct investment capitals.
  • Providing students with significant practical, hands-on experience of the applicative aspects of their theoretical legal education.


Preliminary Information

  1. Programme Title and Award: MSc. in Law
  2. Award: Master of Science in Law
  3. Mode: F/T & P/T
  4. Duration of Study: F/T: 5 years (10 semesters); P/T: variable.
  5. Name of Partner: University of New York in Tirana (UNYT)
  6. Institution Contact Details: University of New York, Tirana, Rruga Kodra e Diellit, Tirana, Albania. Tel.: +35544512345. Web: http://www.unyt.edu.al.
  7. Professional Standing of Award: The programme’s graduates, after completion of a year’s legal practice ( and/or according to Albanian legislation on the field) can sit the local BAR Council or Notary Council’s exam, while the level of the degree in the Albanian structure of HE degrees is sufficient for graduates with a cumulative Grade Average of no less than 8.0/10, after the Albanian grading system in HE, to apply for admission to the Magistrates’ School [http://www.magjistratura.edu.al/skedaret/KriteretPranimit_Formulari_Admission_Standards.doc].
  8. Medium of Instruction: Classroom teaching in English.

Structure Diagram of Programme

The programme is structured on a General Education cycle of courses (148 BCTS), a concentration (188 BCTS), a foreign language and/or elective (60 BCTS) and a Specialization (204 BCTS) cycle of courses. To graduate from the programme students must earn a minimum of 600 BCTS in all of these four components in accordance to their components’ distribution.

This programme uses the British Credit Transfer System (BCTS). One credit is awarded for 3.75 hours of academic lecture and another 7.5 hours of independent student work. Academic credits may be converted to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the American Credit Transfer System (ACTS) as follows:

1 2 4

To obtain the Bachelor’s degree a student has to meet the following graduation requirements:

  • To have successfully completed a minimum of 600 credits (BCTS), spread in line with the approved curricular General Education, Concentration and Specialization cycles of courses.
  • To maintain a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher with no more than two “D” grades in non-concentration courses and in line with the Note of Section 4.4.
  • To produce evidence of at least one foreign language’s command minimally at an intermediate level. Students, whose mother tongue is other than English can waive this requirement.
  • To get clearance from UNYT’s Records Office, Finance Office, Library and Academic Advisor.
  • To get the approval of UNYT’s Academic Council that the aims, objectives and curricular requirements of a degree programme have been thoroughly assessed and found to be accomplished.

5 Years

Integrated Second Cycle Study Program Master of Science in Law

Nr Course Name Emri i kursit Credits (ECTS)
First Year
1. Composition I Shkrim Akademik I 6
2. Computer Applications Aplikime Kompjuterike 6
3. Roman Law E Drejtë Romake 5
4. Public Law E Drejtë Publike 5
5. History of Legal Institutions Historia e Insitucioneve 4
6. Elective Course at University Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Universiteti 4
Total 30
7. Composition II Shkrim Akademik II 6
8. Introduction to Sociology Hyrje ne Sociologji 6
9. History of the Albanian State Historia e Shtetit dhe se Drejtës në Shqipëri 6
10. Philosophy of Law Filozofia e së Drejtës 8
11. Elective Course at University Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Universiteti 4
Total 30
Second Year
1. Constitutional Law E Drejtë Kushtetuese 6
2. Civil Law I E Drejtë Civile I 6
3. Criminal Law I E Drejtë Penale I 6
4. Legal Writing Shkrim Ligjor 6
5. Law, Politics and Religion E Drejta, Politika dhe Feja 6
Total 30
6. Civil Law II E Drejtë Civile II 6
7. Criminal Law II E Drejtë Penale II 6
8. Anthropology of Justice Antropologji e së Drejtës 6
9. Legal Process and Techniques Teknike Legjislative 6
10. Elective Course at Faculty Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Fakulteti 6
Total 30
Third Year
1. Law of Obligations I E Drejtë e Detyrimeve dhe Kontratave I 8
2. Administrative Law E Drejtë Administrative 6
3. European Union Law E Drejtë e Bashkimit Europian 6
4. Business Law E Drejtë Biznesi 6
5. Elective Course at Faculty / Departmental Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Fakulteti / Departamenti 4
Total 30
6. Law of Obligations II E Drejtë e Detyrimeve dhe Kontratave II 8
7. Administrative Procedures Procedurë Administrative 6
8. Labor Law E Drejtë e Punës 6
9. Family Law E Drejtë Familjare 6
10. Elective Course at Departmental Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Departamenti 6
Total 30
Fourth Year
1. Public International Law E Drejtë Ndërkombëtare Publike 8
2. Civil Procedure I Procedurë Civile I 6
3. Criminal Procedure I Procedurë Penale I 6
4. Fiscal Law E Drejtë Fiskale 6
5. Elective Course at Departmental Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Departamenti 4
Total 30
6. Private International Law E Drejtë Ndërkombëtare Private 8
7. Civil Procedure II Procedurë Civile II 6
8. Criminal Procedure II Procedurë Penale II 6
9. Elective Course at Departmental Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Departamenti 6
10. Internship Praktikë 4
Total 30
Fifth Year
1. Human Rights Law Të Drejtat e Njeriut 6
2. Intellectual Property Law E Drejtë e Pronësisë Intelektuale 6
3. Arbitration Law E Drejtë Arbitrazhi 6
4. Corporate Governance Qeverisja e Korporatave 4
5. Advanced Research Methods Metoda të Kërkimit Shkencor të Avancuara 8
Total 30
6. Bankruptcy Law E Drejta e Falimentimit 6
7. Elective Course at Departmental Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Departamenti 6
8. Elective Course at Departmental Level Lëndë me Zgjedhje në Nivel Departamenti 6
9. GRADUATION PROJECT (Dissertation) Detyrime Përmbyllëse (Teza e Diplomes) 12
Total 30
Total Overall 180
  • Elective courses at the department and faculty level
No. Course Lënda Credits (ECTS)
1. World History I Historia e Botës I 6
2. Eastern Empires Perandorite e Lindjes 6
3. Statistics I Statistikë I 6
4. Comparative Constitutional Law E Drejtë Kushtetuese e Krahasuar 6
5. Balkan Studies Studime Ballkanike 6
6. Introduction to Political Sciences Hyrje ne Shkencat Politike 6
7. Psychology of Work Psikologjia e Punes 6
8. Cultural Studies Studime Kulturore 6
9. EU Health Issues Çështje Shëndetësore në BE 6
10. Migration Law E Drejta e Migracionit 4
11. Competition Law E Drejta e Konkurrencës 4
12. EU Impact Into Albanian Legal System Impakti i BE në Legjislacionin Shqiptar 4
13. Legal Issues in Business Environments Mjedisi Ligjor i Biznesit 6
14. Legal Clinic Klinika e Ligjit 4
15. International Trade Law E Drejta e Tregtise Ndërkombetare 4
16. Tort Law E Drejta e Detyrimeve Jashtëkontraktore 6
17. Albanian Business and Labour Law E Drejta Shqiptare e Biznesit dhe e Punës 6
18. Penology and Criminology Penalogji dhe Kriminologji 4
19. Juvenile Justice E Drejta Penale Për të Mitur 4
20. Consumer Law E Drejta e Konsumatorit 6
21. Banking Law E Drejtë Bankare 6
22. State Audit Law E Drejta e Auditimit Shtetëror 6
23. International Humanitarian Law E Drejta Humanitare Ndërkombëtare 6
24. Cyber Security Krimi Kibernetik 6
  • Elective courses at the university level
No. Course Lënda Credits (ECTS)
1. Albanian Language I Gjuhe Shqipe I 4
2. Albanian Language II Gjuhe Shqipe II 4
3. Turkish Language I Gjuhe Turke I 4
4. Turkish Language II Gjuhe Turke II 4
5. Photography Fotografi 4
6. History of Art Histori Arti 4
7. Islamic World Bota Islame 4
8. EU and Balkan Studies Studime te Bashkimit Europian dhe Ballkanike 4
9. Human Nutrition Të Ushqyerit e Njeriut 4
10. Biology Today Biologji 4
11. Contemporary Health Issues Çështje Bashkëkohore të Shëndetit 4
12. Project Management in Information Technology Menaxhim Projektesh në Teknologjinë e Informacionit 4
13. Developmental Psychology, Advancement Psikologji Zhvillimi e Avancuar 4
14. Psychology of Gender Psikologji Gjinore 4

Footnote: Elective course at the Faculty or University level include as well courses that are not mentioned in the above table.  Students have the right to elect or two elective courses at the university level outside the study program with the approval of the academic advisor.