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Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Graphic Design

The Bachelor of Design with a profile in Graphic Design is a three-year program offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture – Department of Architecture and Design. It provides a comprehensive education in graphic design, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills to empower students as industry-ready designers, shaping the forefront of the creative market.





Architecture and Design


3 Years






Architecture and Design


3 Years



Architecture and Design




3 Years




General Remarks

The Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design is a dynamic three-year program offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the University, specifically within the Department of Architecture and Design. This program is meticulously crafted to provide students with a robust foundation in graphic design, blending theoretical insights with hands-on practical skills. As the creative industry continues to evolve, this program empowers aspiring designers to become industry-ready professionals, equipped to make impactful contributions to the ever-changing landscape of graphic design. Through a comprehensive curriculum, students will explore various aspects of design, from digital graphics and typography to branding and marketing principles, preparing them for diverse career opportunities in the vibrant world of graphic design.




First-year/ First Semester
1 ARCH 101 Basic Design – (Dizajn i Përgjithshëm) 8
2 CS 102 Computer Applications – (Zbatime Kompjuterike) 6
3 GD 101 Digital Raster Graphics - (Grafikat Dixhitale Raster) 6
4 ENG 101 Composition I – (Shkrim Akademik I) 6
5 Foreign Language I - (Gjuhë e Huaj I) 4
First-year/Second Semester
6 GD 107 Digital Vector Graphics - (Grafikat Dixhitale Vektoriale) 8
7 ARCH 106 History of Architecture, Art and Urban Design I - (Histori e Arkitekturës, Artit dhe Dizajnit Urban I) 6
8 GD 106 Typography - (Tipografi) 6
9 ENG 102 Composition II – (Shkrim Akademik II) 6
10 Foreign Language II – (Gjuhë e Huaj II) 4
Second Year/ First Semester
1 GD 206 Design of Corporate Identity - (Dizenjimi i Identitetit të Koorporatës) 8
2 ARCH 203 History of Architecture, Art and Urban Design II - (Histori e Arkitekturës, Artit dhe Dizajnit Urban II) 6
3 ARCH 204 Computer Aided Design - (Dizajn Kompjuterik) 6
4 Elective course at Department or Faculty level - (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Departamenti ose Fakulteti) 6
5 GD 202 Graphic Design Communication - (Komunikimi në Dizajnin Grafik) 4
Second Year/ Second Semester
6 GD 201 2D and 3D Animation – (Animim 2 dhe 3-dimensional) 8
7 GD 207 Brand Design - (Dizenjimi i Markave) 6
8 ARCH 208 Technical Drawing - (Vizatim Teknik) 6
9 GD 208 Design of Advertising Materials - (Dizenjimi i Materialeve Promocionale) 6
10 INT 299 Internship - (Internship-Praktike) 4
Third Year/ First Semester
1 GD 301 Website Building - (Ndërtim Website-sh) 6
2 MRKT 302 Principles of Advertising - (Bazat e Reklamimit) 6
3 Elective course at Department or Faculty level - (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Departamenti ose Fakulteti) 6
4 GD 302 Publication Design - (Dizajn Publikmesh) 6
5 ARCH 305 Theories of Architecture, Art and Urban Design - (Teoritë e Arkitekturës, Artit dhe Dizajnit Urban) 6
Third Year/ Second Semester
6 Elective course at University level - (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti) 4
7 RMSS 333 Research Methods in Social Sciences - (Metoda Kërkimore në Shkencat Sociale) 6
8 GD 306 Video Production and Effects - (Prodhimi dhe Efektet në Video) 6
9 GD 307 Digital Font Production - (Krijimi i Fonteve Dixhitale) 6
10 GP 399 Graduation Project - (Teza e Diplomës) 8

Elective Courses at Department /Faculty Level

1 CS 103 Hyrje në Shkenca Kompjuterike dhe Inxhinierike (Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering) 6
2 ARCH 211 Hyrje në të Menduar Dizenjues (Introduction to Designerly Thinking) 6
3 ARCH 311 Përdoruesi në Dizajnin Arkitekturor (User in Architectural Design) 6
4 TLCM 202 Elektronika dhe Logjika Digjitale (Digital Electronics and Logic) 6
5 PHYS 102 Bota Shkencore (Scientific World) 6
6 MATH 201 Matematikë Diskrete (Discrete Mathematics) 6
7 STAT 201 Statistikë I (Statistics I) 6
8 STAT 202 Statistikë II (Statistics II) 6
9 STAT 203 Probabilitet dhe Statistikë (Probability and Statistics) 6
10 GT 201 Teori Loje (Game Theory) 6

Elective Courses at the University Level

1 ALB 131 Albanian Language I (Gjuhë Shqipe I) 4
2 TUR 131 Turkish Language I (Gjuhë Turke I) 4
3 ALB 132 Albanian Language II (Gjuhë Shqipe II) 4
4 TUR 132 Turkish Language II (Gjuhë Turke II) 4
5 ART 201 Photography (Fotografi) 4
6 ART 202 Art History (Histori Arti) 4
7 IR 222 Islamic World (Bota Islame) 4
8 IR 334 EU and Balkan Studies (Studime te Bashkimit Europian dhe Ballkanit) 4
9 BIO 333 Human Nutrition (Te ushqyerit e Njeriut) 4
10 BIO 334 Biology (Biologji) 4
11 BIO 335 Contemporary Health Problems (Çeshtje Bashkekohore Të Shëndetit) 4
12 LAW 321 Competition Law (E Drejta e Konkurrencës) 4
13 BI 302 Project Management in IT (Menaxhim Projektesh në Teknologjinë e Informacionit) 4
14 PSY 310 Developmental Psychology (Psikologji Zhvillimi) 4
15 CS 310 System Administration (Administrim Sistemi) 4

Contact Person

For further information, please contact:

Alessandro Masoni